Classical Article Writing
Content creation is a work of art. It requires lots of hard work by the writer to come out with an article, that is pleasing both to humans and the search engines. We try our level best to ensure that the quality of our jobs are of the highest standards. The SEO content writing field is a huge one and there are many creative writers around. Still, we strive to stay ahead of the competition, and provide you with quality whose value is more than the rates we charge.
We try our level best to ensure that the articles are dispatched within their scheduled delivery date. In the occasion that we are not able to do so, we shall inform you about a new delivery date. If you are agreeable to the same, it is fine, else, you may request for a refund. Currently we do not accept articles on Politics, Finance, and Code languages.
Sl. | Number of Words | Rates in American Currency |
1. | 500 | $5.00 |
2. | 400 | $4.50 |
3. | 300 | $4.00 |
4. | 250 | $3.50 |
We also provide article rewriting at a flat rate of $3 per 500 words or part thereof. The rewrites shall be done on a sentence by sentence basis and will be at least 70% unique from the original. However, you should not forget that we cannot make changes to certain things like name of places or objects. Hence `The Leaning Tower of Pisa' cannot be reworded.